STEFANIE YOUNG Yoga, Reiki & CST | 07516 313 502
Tuesday 6.30pm-7.45pm Hatha @The Henge Shop Avebury (paused until 1st April 2025)
Thurs. 10-11am Chair Yoga @The Ellendune Community Centre, Wroughton: £5 (concession price)
Thurs. 6.15-7.45pm Yin @The Henge Shop Avebury
£14 drop-in / £12 if buying a bundle of 5
A typical class
We start each class with a gentle, mindful scan of the body. I then bring the focus to the breath with a short pranayama (breathing practice), followed by a series of asana (poses), guided with specific breathing techniques to help build and shape prana (life-force / vital energy).
For mat yoga, we use standing poses to build strength and stability, before moving closer to the Earth for some seated, grounding poses. We rest in savasana, followed by a short pranayama and a beautiful healing kriya meditation. Classes are roughly 75 mins.
Similarly, for chair yoga (60 mins), the focus is very much on synchronising breath with movement. We warm up the upper body and build strength and stability in the legs and feet. We also close with a pranayama and kriya meditation.

The style of yoga I offer
Having practised yoga for over 15 years, my understanding of yoga took on an entirely new meaning, 6 years ago, through Sama Yoga, a heart-based intuitive practice developed by Sky Akasha in the lineage of Shri Pujya Swāmi Dayānanda Saraswati, and based on the teachings of traditional Advaita Vedānta. Sky uses Sanskrit mantra and japa (repetition of mantra), elements I still weave into my classes. I find Sama Yoga wonderfully healing, especially for the heart. It is the Sama poses uniquely, that are requested over and over again by students.
More recently, I have been integrating the teachings of Tantric Hatha Yoga, and follow these teachings when guiding my Monday and Thursday evening classes. I use vinyasa krama (wise progression), and tend to work with “Moon” practice: grounding, stabilising and calming Apana Vayu, and detoxifying and assimilating Samana Vayu, and “Sun” practice: joyful, uplifting and energising Vyana Vayu. I find these teachings incredibly powerful and absolutely love sharing them.
Rod Stryker: “Tantra links all of the diverse practices of yoga into a single and integrated system. The core of tantric philosophy – the strategy behind its practices can be boiled down to:
- the universe, and all that is in it, is inherently Sacred
- in order to truly know yourself, you must dissolve the wall that appears to divide the world of spirit and matter
- the human body is a universe unto itself, a replica of the larger universe outside of it
- if you understand how to systematically ‘enter’ your body and harness its powers, your body can serve as a portal to spiritual awakening
- Tantra’s intention is to empower you to positively impact your outer world, your inner world, your body, mind, emotions, psyche and spirit – all dimensions and all aspects of life.”
Yoga Nidra (yogic sleep) – I offer yoga nidra sessions for deep rest and relaxation. Rod Stryker explains very clearly the importance of yoga nidra to overall good health and well-being:
“The good news is that the brain is elastic. When it experiences enough of an interruption between stress cycles, brain function returns to a state that supports total well-being. This is where relaxation comes in. An ever-expanding body of research is showing the vital role of relaxation, which at one time was thought of as being little more than a luxurious indulgence or mystical pursuit. Thousands of years ago, the tantric tradition had already recognised the significance of relaxation. Ancient texts (…) outline a detailed approach to systematic relaxation as an essential practice for maintaining health and vitality. This ancient practice was called yoga nidra. It effectively means the deepest state of rest possible (complete effortlessness), combined with awareness.”

Yoga practitioner & teacher
I have been practising yoga for 18 years, and my journey has been as varied as the many countries I have been fortunate to experience.
I discovered yoga by way of ashtanga yoga, at a little studio in London, and took my mat and my practice with me, living in France, Australia and the Middle East, before returning to London.
It wasn’t until 2015, following some ill-health in my family, that my personal yoga journey deepened. Four years ago, I resigned from a corporate life in London, and took on a more rural existence on our family farm in Wiltshire. I am so happy that I did. My love and appreciation of the origins of this beautiful and healing tradition have been strengthened by every trip to India, as much as my love of the country itself.
I am delighted to share the yoga jewels that have blessed me, and I thank and honour all my wonderful teachers, in particular, Sky of Sama Yoga (Sweden and Bali).
More recently I have been delving into the jewels of Tantric Hatha Yoga with Octavio Salvado of The Practice (Bali) and Rod Stryker. I acknowledge their teacher, Pandit Rajmani Tigunait, the lineage of Sri Vidya Tantra and the knowledge and tradition of the Himalayan Masters.
Thank you for the YOGA.
Namaste – Stefanie x

A Level 2 practitioner in the Usui Shiki Ryoho System of Natural Healing (Reiki), I am able to offer Reiki in person, remote Reiki, or I can send out Reiki healing at a distance. This can be for yourself or a loved one – another human, animal or even an environment that you feel is in need of healing. Please contact me for more information: / 07516 313 502.

Cranial Sacral Therapy (CST)
I am currently following the Sri Sri Tattva Centre of Healing Arts Integrated Craniosacral Therapy Foundation Training. As part of my training, I am able to give sessions. CST is a gentle, hands-on biodynamic treatment using very light touch to release tension around the body’s connective tissue (fascia). As the practitioner ‘listens’ to the body through touch, the body is able to self-adjust, self-correct and self-heal. Please contact me for more information: / 07516 313 502