My classes are tailored to the individual needs of the group as much as possible. Sessions are based on classic hatha yoga, using a vinyasa krama(wise progression), with the addition of some gentle, flowing, heart-based and intuitiveSama Yoga poses. The gentle, flowing Sama Yoga elements have proven to be very popular with the students.
I offer a sarvanga sadhana, meaning, a complete practice, to support the physical, mental, emotional and spiritualwell-being of the practitioner. This includes asana practice to warm up the body and begin to build and shape prana (life-force / vital energy), followed by pranayama, and a healing kriya meditation.
The intention of my classes is to honour the practitioner and student, and to help them to develop and grow their love of yoga.
ABOVE: The Libraryat the Ellendune Community Centre where I hold Chair Yoga classes, andRIGHT / BELOW:The Galleryat the Henge Shop in Avebury (and views from the space), where I hold Mat Yoga classes.