
The class timetable

Tues. 6.30-7.45pm Hatha @The Henge Shop Avebury (paused – returning 1st April 2025)

Thurs. 10-11am Chair Yoga @The Ellendune Community Centre Wroughton: £5 (concession price)

Thurs. 6.15-7.30pm Yin @The Henge Shop Avebury with meditation from Ivan after yoga 

My classes are tailored to the individual needs of the group as much as possible. Sessions are based on classic hatha yoga, using a vinyasa krama (wise progression), with the addition of some gentle, flowing, heart-based and intuitive Sama Yoga poses. The gentle, flowing Sama Yoga elements have proven to be very popular with the students.

I offer a sarvanga sadhana, meaning, a complete practice, to support the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being of the practitioner. This includes asana practice to warm up the body and begin to build and shape prana (life-force / vital energy), followed by pranayama, and a healing kriya meditation.

The intention of my classes is to honour the practitioner and student, and to help them to develop and grow their love of yoga.

ABOVEThe Library at the Ellendune Community Centre where I hold Chair Yoga classes, and RIGHT / BELOW: The Gallery at the Henge Shop in Avebury (and views from the space), where I hold Mat Yoga classes.